
Repeat Prescriptions

Repeat prescriptions cannot be requested by phone. If you are on regular treatment you may request a repeat prescription by:

  • Repeat Prescription Request
    Please register for Online Services. The Online Services system remembers which medications you are on and makes requesting repeat prescriptions faster and easier. You can get more information by speaking to reception.

    Please allow 3 working days before collecting your prescription.
  • Leaving your request at the surgery. We have a special box in the lobby by the entrance door
  • Sending it to the surgery. If you enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope with your request we will send it back to you in the post. Always use the computer slip which is attached to your prescription when you collect it. If you do not have a computer slip, please get a prescription request form from Reception. We can deliver your prescription to the Wollaston branch surgery. Tell the receptionist if you would like to collect it from there.
  • Most local pharmacies operate a collection and/or delivery service – please contact your pharmacy of choice to discuss this with them directly.
  • Always allow us 3 working days from request to get your prescription ready for you. Please do not wait until you are nearly out of medication before you reorder. We cannot, for safety reasons, accept email or telephone requests for repeat prescriptions.

Please note if you are already registered to a pharmacist, you do not need to re-register.

New requests

Please submit your request via Anima Health this will be reviewed prior to being issued. You will be contacted directly if any further information is required.

Medication Reviews

If you are on repeat medications, we are required to review these annually. When due a review, you will be unable to order medications online and a notification will appear on your repeats list.

We typically require that you provide your height, weight and blood pressure. If you are unable to take any of these measurements at home, equipment is available in our ground floor waiting area for you to use.

Please ensure you have all three of these measurements before submitting your review request to avoid delays to the process. We will advise you if any further tests are required.

Please note we may require further information or tests before your review can be processed, depending on your medication. We will contact you if needed.

Electronic Prescription Service

Your prescriptions can be sent electronically to a pharmacy of your choice, thereby eliminating the need for a paper prescription. If you are currently receiving a paper prescription and would prefer an electronic prescription, please complete a registration form.

Local Pharmacies